How to Survive Common Environmental Injuries

The following conditions are common medical issues that people face after a disaster. It’s important that if you want to survive these easily treatable conditions that you get at least a basic understanding of the symptoms and know how to treat them. Keep in mind that we are not doctors and following the advice given is done at your own risk. These methods have worked for others though and are common treatments in many parts of the world (especially where/when modern medicine isn’t readily available.

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Dealing with Common Medical Emergencies when SHTF

The first rule in any of these commonly occurring situations described is to remain calm, reassure the victim and try to keep them quiet and under control. Then examine the victim as quickly as possible, looking for the cause of the distress. Follow the rules of first aid and begin by examining the victim’s breathing and air passage but remember, the reason you need to be quick is that death might come from a bleeding artery sooner than from a blocked air passage, and you need to be open to all possibilities.

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Cold Weather Survival Clothing

You’ll always want to be prepared with proper clothing to suit the environment you’re in. When it comes to cold weather, knowing what to wear can become a science. For most of us, we’ve learned to survive through trial, error and observation. We’ve observed others that were successful and emulated their practices to learn from them. In regards to staying warm we see what others are wearing and observe their choice of styles, fabrics and brands. We emulate others and modify their choices to suit our taste and experience. But in order to maximize the benefits of your survival clothing you’ll want to know the actual physics and mechanics of heat transfer and learn to apply these concepts to how you dress. Continue reading “Cold Weather Survival Clothing”

The Importance of Personal Hygiene Post SHTF

Cleanliness is even more essential in the urban survival situation than in a normal environment. It’s highly unlikely, to say the least, that you’ll be able to achieve the ideal of a  hot shower with soap once a day, but you must strive for alternatives that come as close as possible. One method is the use of a cloth and soapy water, making sure you carefully wash the parts of the body that are prone to both infestation and infection, including the extremities, armpits, crotch, and hair. In the absence of sufficient water for such a “spit” bath, you can turn to the healing properties of the UV rays from the sun. Take off your clothing – as much as is practical under the circumstances and “sun-bathe” for a minimum of an hour, taking care not to risk getting sunburned.

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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive an Influenza Pandemic

Aside from nuclear meltdowns occurring worldwide post TEOTWAWKI, deadly diseases and viruses spreading worldwide is arguably the next biggest danger to humanity. History is wrought with cases of deadly pandemics killing off in some cases up to 50% of a regions population. Governments are currently doing a great job at quarantining outbreaks but every so often a virus becomes pandemic and uncontrollable. If for whatever reason the system responsible for vaccinations/quarantining and viral research falls apart, the population worldwide (especially in large cities) would quickly succumb to deadly pandemics. Fortunately, there are things you can do right now to prepare for such a crisis.

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9 Important Survival Antibiotics Every Prepper Should Know

It often happens that preppers overlook antibiotics as a part of their preps, but these wonder meds can actually turn out to be life savers. Effective and easy to use, survival antibiotics will certainly come in handy post collapse and when you’re having to deal with an infection. To be completely honest with you, I had been blissfully unaware of the many types of antibiotics that existed until not too long ago when I developed an infectious colitis in my colon. I didn’t know about the condition until I was in excruciating pain and I went to see my doctor. This infection was triggered by a bacterial infection, and one of the causes may have been through the consumption of uncooked meat.

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