The most important thing to know is which animals are poisonous; since there are only a small number in that group, it is easier to commit that list to memory than to try and memorize all the edible animals. Animal size is a consideration and in general, smaller animals are a much better bet than large wild game, not only because the smaller ones are easy to prepare, but also because there are more of them in the city. It is important to know the characteristics and typical behaviors of various kinds of animals. Some questions you’ll want to ask yourself when hunting are:
When SHTF, How Long can you Survive Without Food?
Science has not arrived at any exact formula, but experience has taught a good deal regarding the length of time a person can last without food. That length of time is dependent on a number of variables, as follows:
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Top Freeze Dried Survival Food Brand Reviews
Freeze dried foods are perfect for any type of emergency. Whether for life threatening emergencies, or when you just need to prepare a quick meal for surprise guests, you will surely have something easy to prepare and eat in such situations.
Freeze dried food and survival food are foods that have undergone a special preservation process which involves removing all its moisture content which will extend its shelf life for few months up to many years. This process of preservation can be dated back to ancient times but is done today with modern equipment.
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How to Start an Emergency Food Storage Supply
You never know when the next disaster may strike. Because of this you need to always be prepared for a disaster – whether it is man made or natural. One of the first things you should began preparing is a sufficient emergency food supply. During and after disasters, local stores may be out of stock of food and/or water. This can easily happen, especially if communication and transportation is severely affected due to damages from the disaster. Before any disaster such as hurricanes take place, you must have an adequate supply of food in your house.
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Surviving the Collapse of our Nations Vulnerable/Fragile Food Supply Chain
If you examine the current food production situation in America, you will find that only about 1% of the population produces the food for the other 99% of the people. This is alarming since virtually the entire population does not know how to grow their own food and they have no notion about where their food is grown and produced or how it gets to their supermarket.
A great deal of American food is derived from grain or from grain fed animals. Grain is grown in a concentrated geographical area (the Midwest), and is transported to both coastal regions via only two vulnerable railroad lines.
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Urban Survival Gardening Gear
Being able to produce your own food after SHTF will be critical to urban survival. Gardening, although taking a large amount of time, will supply you and your family with the nutrients you need after your food storage runs dry. Farming is incredibly laborious and without the right tools, will be a painstaking job to get done. Farming tools such as a wheelbarrow are force multipliers that make your job a hell of a lot of easier.
Urban Survival Guide to Water
Water (second to oxygen) is our most important nutrient during a survival situation, especially in hot areas where you’d rapidly lose water due to perspiration. Our bodies (depending on environment) can survive a maximum of roughly three days without the intake of water. This is assuming you’re at sea level with a moderate room temperature and a relative humidity. A typical person will lose about 2 to 3 liters of water per day in normal conditions but depending on the size of the person, physical exertion and temperature they could lose much more. If you were to factor in the conditions usually found in a survival or disaster situation, you could be losing as much as 4 to 6 liters! Cold and hot environments both significantly effect your survivability and you’re water intake will have to be increased.
3 Edible Weeds Every Prepper Should Know for When SHTF
You may be surprised to know that for the most part… we are surrounded by free food. Our lawns are teaming with edible weeds that can be found virtually anywhere in the world. In this post, we highlight the 3 most commonly found/known edible weeds. Post collapse, it’s going to be essential that you’re educated in foraging food from your environment and making the most from what you have. Aside from these 3 edible weeds, there are hundreds more and you should spend the time researching the ones most common to your region.
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Preparing and Storing Water Before SHTF
One of the most important and yet most neglected areas of emergency food storage is water! Most home emergency food storage theory and practices are heavily reliant on dried foods like rice, beans, wheat, freeze dried fruit or vegetables and powdered milk. If you live in an urban environment where water and rain is abundant you could get away with storing small amounts of water but will you have enough?
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Urban Survival Food Storage, Rations, and Supply
If you’ve planned well and have an emergency survival kit that includes food rations, you have a better chance of getting through the survival situation smoothly than those who did not put aside rations for such a contingency. Your food supply will get you through the difficult challenges that will come at you in the initial phase, such as assessing the situation, figuring out an action plan, and considering any natural food sources that might be in the vicinity. Your emergency rations might be all you need, since statistics show that in the majority of survival situations, people are rescued or escape unaided within 72 hours.
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