The Urban Survival Networks Guide to Eating and Growing Insects

Insects, being the most numerous of any form of life on earth are not only easy to find but easy to catch, and a good source of protein! In fact, the bodies of insects consist of 65-80% protein, whereas only 20 percent of beef is protein. Thus when shit hits the fan insects will prove to be a valuable food source, regardless of how repugnant they may seem.

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Trapping Urban Animals After a Disaster

Setting a trap or snare is a good way to catch game if you have no weapons. A trap is also valuable in situations where you do have a gun or air rifle, but the sound of shooting off a weapon must be avoided. This section will focus on undomesticated wild life such as rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, skunks and etc. Domesticated animals can of course be trapped but most cats and dogs will be stuck indoors. Cats can often be found outdoors and so trapping can also apply to them.

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Some Thoughts on Foraging and Growing Food WSHTF

With such a fragile system keeping the store shelves stocked with food, it’s absolutely paramount that you not only learn to grow you own food, but that you also learn to forage and be able to identify edible plants in and around your city. Such skills are lost to the current generation so it’s important to learn these skills before SHTF since you’ll likely be the only ones that will know how. We gotta keep this knowledge and wisdom alive!

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