The “Rule of Three” should only be viewed as a general guide line. There are many exceptions to these rules. For instance the record for holding ones breath is 10 minutes, 17 seconds, the crew of a boat once lasted 8 days without water, and people have survived without food for over 50 days. In most survival situations though, there are three priorities that should be met: Food, Water and Shelter. Keep these priorities in mind.
5 Essential Features of a Rural Survival Retreat
My associates and I have recently been on the hunt for a quality acreage to be used as a survival retreat. Before we went looking around though we discussed a set of criteria that our potential retreat must cover. Some of you reading this right now might be thinking that this article is not for you since buying land is out of your budget, keep in mind though that the costs can be brought down if you pool cash in with a group (family/friends/like minded preppers). Also if you take a look around you’d be surprised by some of the great prices out there for undeveloped lots. The following is our list of must have features for any rural survival retreat. Keep these in mind when buying your next lot of land.
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The Urban Survivalists Guide to Fire Making
Fire has always been an essential element in human survival. It has a million and one uses and being able to make it will be an essential skill during an urban catastrophe. Here are a few things that can be done with fire:
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Urban Survival Guide to Water
Water (second to oxygen) is our most important nutrient during a survival situation, especially in hot areas where you’d rapidly lose water due to perspiration. Our bodies (depending on environment) can survive a maximum of roughly three days without the intake of water. This is assuming you’re at sea level with a moderate room temperature and a relative humidity. A typical person will lose about 2 to 3 liters of water per day in normal conditions but depending on the size of the person, physical exertion and temperature they could lose much more. If you were to factor in the conditions usually found in a survival or disaster situation, you could be losing as much as 4 to 6 liters! Cold and hot environments both significantly effect your survivability and you’re water intake will have to be increased.
Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Chemical Threat
If your community comes under attack from chemical weapons, a pre-made emergency urban survival plan may save valuable time and therefore your life post SHTF. In this day of the Boston Bombings and 911 Attacks, many experts wonder if Chemical Threats are the next danger heading our way. These have the potential to be instantly fatal or perhaps have a more delayed reaction time of a few hours to a few days.
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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Biological Threat
An attack by biological agents could result in the release of deadly toxins, viruses, germs, bacteria or disease that can kill everything in its path, and having a solid emergency plan created in advance may be the only thing that prevents you and your family from becoming one of the many statistical fatalities.
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Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive a Nuclear Meltdown or Nuclear Power Plant Emergency
The partial nuclear meltdown in Fukushima has made it very clear that nuclear facilities are NOT 100% safe. Approximately 3 million people within the USA live within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant and if you’re one of them, it would be wise to make preparations for the small chance that you may one day experience a nuclear emergency. Please consider that in the event of a global catastrophe, or large nationwide disaster that the resources used to maintain nuclear facilities will be at jeopardy, which could lead to complete meltdowns of facilities. If you’re an urban survivalist preparing for a TEOTWAWKI event, you must consider that there are over 400 nuclear power plants on the planet and therefore protecting you and your family from radiation should be a top priority.
Urban Survival Guide – How to Survive an Earthquake
So what is an Earthquake?
An earthquake is one of natures most destructive phenomena, it can strike at any time without warning. It may never happen in your life time, or it can occur right now while reading this article. Earthquakes are the result of friction from tectonic plates as they shift and release tension along their fault lines. Earthquakes can happen anywhere in the world but are most common along the edges of the Pacific ocean. If you live along the coast of the Pacific Ocean it would be wise to plan and prepare a kit for an earthquake as the chances of it occurring in your locality is significantly higher.
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The Second Amendment, Gun Control, and Important Quotes Every Prepper Should Know
There is a war on our constitutional rights, and unless you stand and up and fight for our freedoms, we are doomed to slavery. It’s our duty as Americans to protect this country from a tyrannical government.
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Urban Survival First Aid Kit Checklist
Everyone needs a first aid kit, and everyone needs to know basic first aid. If you’re a true urban survivalist but you don’t know the first thing about how to deal with a broken bone or injury… there’s something wrong. Here’s a basic checklist to get you started, which we believe will be sufficient for when SHTF.