The Million Dollar Survival Kit

So this kit isn’t exactly a million dollars, it’s probably more in the region of about $100k! In either case, we believe this has everything you need to survive the collapse of America and all the turmoil that will surely follow. Is there anything that you would add? or remove? We realize this is somewhat tongue and cheek but we’re certain you’ll be able to find a few good ideas in here, enjoy!

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Top 5 Self Defense Techniques For Hand To Hand Combat

As the coming collapse approaches, violence and crime will skyrocket throughout society, regardless of how affluent your community may be. As people become more and more desperate they’ll go to further lengths to acquire what they need to survive, even if that means hurting others. It’s human nature and there’s not much that can be done to change that. One thing we can do though to better survive in the coming violent world is too become proficient in combat which includes: knife fighting, firearms proficiency, unarmed combat, primitive weapon use and basic squad tactics. This article will cover the most efficient tactics for unarmed combat.

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The Best Survival Quotes To Get You Through The Coming Collapse

There is value in knowing quotes, they can be looked to in hard times for motivation and moral support. They’re a tool that should be in every urban survivalist’s arsenal, not just for the individuals sake but also for providing support to other people who are having a difficult time dealing with disaster/situation.

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Survival Gallery: Tsunamis

If you’re living in a coastal region, pay attention! Tsunamis can cause massive damage to low-lying coastal areas after an earthquake and in many cases cause much more damage then the initial earthquake itself. Together, an earthquake and tsunami is a devastating combo that has killed millions of people this century. As many of you will recall the most recent major tsunami was the one that damaged the Fukushima nuclear power plant and killed upwards of 28,000 people (not including those who died afterwards from indirect causes). There’s also the 2004 boxing day tsunami that killed around 500,000 people (higher estimate). We encourage all of you to go on YouTube and look up videos of these last two tsunamis or check out the gallery below so you can get a clear idea of what to expect if you happen to live near the coast.

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Survival Gallery: Earthquakes

Although earthquakes only occur is certain areas, they can spawn tsunamis that can travel across entire oceans. Also keep in mind while viewing these images that when a significant earthquake occurs, the electrical grid will go down, water/sewage systems will be inoperable, and roads will be too damaged for emergency workers, shipments of food/water to arrive. Fortunately the vast majority of earthquakes are barely felt, but every so often (about once per year) a strong earthquake will and hit and as was the case with the December 2004 Asian earthquake; about 500 000 people died (directly from the initial disaster, and much more from the water born diseases, and chaos that ensued afterwards).

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Looting Pictures

When SHTF and the economy/civilization collapses, looting will become rampant and the grocery store shelves will be ransacked of everything within days! In some instances, even the store shelves will be dismantled and taken away. Once the grocery stores/restaurants/warehouses are emptied out, hungry/desperate looters will go for the weak, breaking into their homes, even using deadly force if need be. Below we’ve created an image gallery of looters so you know what to expect when SHTF.

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