A Preppers Guide to Surviving an Ebola Outbreak

With Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea being ravaged by Ebola and showing no signs of coming under control, the potential for it being spread elsewhere around the world still remains very high. Furthermore, although it may not be as big of a threat to American life as main stream media would like you to think… AT THE MOMENT… it could still get a lot worse, and as the old survival adage goes: “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”. With all this mind, we at the UrbanSurvivalNetwork.com have come together to create this thorough preppers guide to Ebola.

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The Perfect Vehicle Emergency Survival Gear For Your BOV (Bug Out Vehicle)

If you have a vehicle, we recommend you prepare an emergency kit specifically for your vehicle. You just never know when disaster strikes so it’s important to have your supplies close by at all times. If you’re ever on the road and end up in a disaster, you’ll be glad you have this kit on you, it could save you and your families lives. The basic emergency kit for vehicles should include the following items:

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The Best (NBC) Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Disaster Survival Kit

Nuclear, biological, and chemical threats will probably be faced by everyone in their lifetime and having the tools to deal with these threats will be paramount to your survival. There are over 450 nuclear power plants on the planet with many of them in the USA, if a large enough disaster were to occur, you can be sure that many of these facilities will go into meltdown. A nuclear power plant going into meltdown is incredibly dangerous but with the right tactics, it can easily be survived. It’s crucial you have the right supplies to mitigate any NBC threat you may face.

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Home Defense Emergency Survival Kit

When SHTF, people will get desperate! Those caught unprepared will resort to violence, brutality, and theft. We believe in charity but a line needs to be drawn when your own families survival comes at stake. To protect your family/friends from the violent hoards you’ll need to have a plan and the skills to defend your home from intruders. The gear listed below are pricey, but we feel you should never cheap out on gear when it comes to urban survival because the quality of your gear could mean the difference between life and death. Keep in mind that this kit is a work in progress and we would greatly appreciate any input you could give us. If you want to contribute to this site and the prepping community at large, offer your feedback below. Thanks!

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