5 Barter Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile Before SHTF

Even if you’re an advanced prepper, it’s very likely that there’s something you’re forgetting to stockpile. Post SHTF that item you forgot to get could mean life or death… or just cause a lot of misery. The whole purpose of having a stockpile of barter items is that you’ll be able to acquire that missing item through trade post SHTF if need be. Not only will the items below be useful for your own survival, but they’ll be items that will quickly disappear from the shelves of stores everywhere and so people will be in need of them. Some of these items can be expensive so be sure to only purchase these items while they’re on sale or you find a good deal on them.

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The Importance of Urban Survival Caches

A Survival Cache is essentially a hidden storage for important survival gear/supplies that you can go to in the event that your home has been destroyed or you’re unable to get home for whatever reason. Caching your supplies is a highly recommended action for several reasons. Just as squirrels bury their nuts before winter to provide food in spring, you too can learn something from nature. Here are a few good reasons for caching:

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A Preppers Guide to Surviving an Ebola Outbreak

With Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea being ravaged by Ebola and showing no signs of coming under control, the potential for it being spread elsewhere around the world still remains very high. Furthermore, although it may not be as big of a threat to American life as main stream media would like you to think… AT THE MOMENT… it could still get a lot worse, and as the old survival adage goes: “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”. With all this mind, we at the UrbanSurvivalNetwork.com have come together to create this thorough preppers guide to Ebola.

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The Perfect Vehicle Emergency Survival Gear For Your BOV (Bug Out Vehicle)

If you have a vehicle, we recommend you prepare an emergency kit specifically for your vehicle. You just never know when disaster strikes so it’s important to have your supplies close by at all times. If you’re ever on the road and end up in a disaster, you’ll be glad you have this kit on you, it could save you and your families lives. The basic emergency kit for vehicles should include the following items:

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